
Membership in the Society shall be open to all persons who desire to serve and further the stated purposes of the Society and to pay the required dues in an amount and manner as prescribed in the By-laws of the Society. The membership shall consist of the following classes:

  • Resident Members – Members who are residents of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
  • Nonresident Members – Members who are not residents of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Members of the society are entitled to vote at business meetings and hold office (if local residents as specified by the MHS Constitution and by-laws). Members will receive the Society’s newsletter, which is published several times a year.

  • Membership year runs from May 1 to April 30 annually
  • Resident and nonresident member dues are $10.00 per year
  • Life memberships are available at $50.00 per person
Click here for the Membership Form